Given the exponential rise in technology over the last 40 years, working remotely, ie from home or anywhere else for that matter, has never been more possible, popular or necessary especially now during given our current pandemic. The Office of National Statistics has estimated that by the end of 2020, 50% of the UK workforce will be working remotely.
IntegralCareer encourages all of their clients to develop flexible working skills, to ensure maximum growth, development and employability through an ever changing macro environment. We do this by helping clients understand that the future model of a career is no longer one job for life, but rather seeing oneself as the core career, Me inc., with a ‘nature and nurture’ no one could replicate: it becomes then the career home base, so to speak. The objective or return desired of investing one’s time in any role, is not just remaining employed and climbing a ladder, but more flexibly pursuing growth and development the way one defines it.
The IntegralCareer process of work and life experience, as well as future of work analysis, clients become much more aware of what fits their skills, traits and needs ‘by nature’, and what does not, and how they can transition and nurture themselves into the future. They are strongly encouraged to create a simple business structure (sole trader, whether one is employed by a firm, or not) to have maximum flexibility to learn and develop Me inc by gigging on the side while being employed, or to be able to leave employment if it no longer fits and instead to create a portfolio of roles to try some other options out, or set up a company, all by using the sole trader structure which represents Me Inc.
Clients also become aware that everything we do is an investment of an immense data base of experience (ie by 50 years old we have almost a half a million hours of experienc (total time alive), every minute brain changing, and given that we spend most of our waking hours at work, making the right investment choices at work is crucial to overall life fulfilment and brain and mind health.
The objective is therefore, not to simply stay employed, but is to discourage dependency on just an employer, or an industry, especially as accelerated change will continue into the future. We very much encourage clients to set up a business structure, so one can always work on the side, understanding and evidencing one’s own skills by nature, and learning where they are needed through continuous monitoring of future of work trends.
Here are some articles which will help you think through how to work remotely, as this is a core future of work skill:
17 Stats About Remote Work in 2020; grow remotely; Adrianne Bibby | 2020
A Blueprint for Remote Working: Lesson From China; McKinsey Digital, March 2020
Work From Home 2020: The Top 100 Companies For Remote Jobs, Alexandra Talty, Senior Contributor, Jan 2020