Career ConsultingAn IntegralCareer Consulting Gift for 2024!

IntegralCareer consulting is the perfect experiential gift for a family member, friend or colleague who may need some career support and a jump start in 2023. We have found that most of our clients have never had career support before, and yet with  a macro environment drive by exponential technological change, career navigation can be a much more complex than ever before.  A gift of some career consulting time with an industry-leading expert coach could be the perfect choice for anyone who needs support.

Career consulting with Integral Career can help in a number of ways: it offers people a framework to analyse all their work and life experience to design  a clearer, tailored future career path, a process for creating and refining content for CVs and LinkedIn, and in-depth coaching to solve work related issues as well resources to clarify how The Future of Work can shape and elevate our careers to an unexpected level.

To purchase an Integral Career consultancy session as a gift for friends or family,  please email us via our contacts page. After the purchase, we can issue you or the recipient with a Gift Voucher and the booking and session can be scheduled when best for the client.

Gwendolyn Parkin

Director of IntegralCareer, VP HBS Club London, consultant, speaker and course tutor supporting clients create careers that transition into the future of work.

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IntegralCareer is a future-focussed career consulting company helping people make decisions for their futures.

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