Have a Question?
Our FAQs

Where do you work?

I work in central London and I do travel.

How long is a session?

1-2 hours

How many sessions does it take?

It depends on your career requirements.

How much is your fee?

It varies depending on your needs. Please email us to discuss your requirements.

Do you offer Skype or Google Hangouts sessions?

Yes, I do.

How to book a session?

Please email us.

How does your approach differ from other career consulting?

It’s based on analysis of work and life experience to understand how key skill sets can transfer into the Future of Work.

What kind of issues do you deal with?

Career issues which can involve life issues.

How do you work and what is the process?

We work through interactive, analytical sessions and homework.

Get in touch

About Us

IntegralCareer is a future-focussed career consulting company helping people make decisions for their futures.

Career consulting for the future.

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