How can anyone be a better leader of oneself, a career, a family, a business, communities and perhaps even countries?
Try understanding your Most Valuable Asset better: your mind and brain. This will then help you understand others’ as well. Given that we know far more about the mind and brain than ever before due to recent technological advances, in an age of pandemics and exponential tech revolutions, now is the time to make use of this expertise.
IntegralCareer integrates many disciplines into its’ methodology, and neuroscience is considered a key mind science along with psychotherapy and mindfulness. The combination of these with other disciplines such as commercial, business and experience analysis, creates a rigorous career tool kit.
Our clients are relieved to find out that the brain is infinitely changeable, that having an engaging career with much learning, rewires your brain to deliver new skills and impact; and that if you manage your brain health, you can manage your career much more effectively.
Wharton Neuroscience Initiative Director and Professor Michael L. Platt, at The Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania, is well placed to explain the benefits of neurosciendce knowledge in his new book The Leader’s Brain: Enhance Your Leadership, Build Stronger Teams, Make Better Decisions, and Inspire Greater Innovation with Neuroscience.
His experience includes two decades as professor, and practitioner in neuroscience, psychology and marketing departments. His interdisciplinary and pioneering research has increased understanding of how the brain works, and how to apply the findings to business and ultimately this greatly impacts one’s career. Some of the key topics explored are:
- Building Connections with a Social Brain. How to use our brain’s social hard wiring to connect with others, and at the same time lower stress levels with the empathy, support and the brain development it creates.
- Team Chemistry Secrets. By drawing on the brain’s ‘Age Old Tribalism’ to bond teams with a common purpose/ identities. Using regular check ins, clarifying goals, and socialising professionally through sports or games to reinforce these messages builds stronger teams.
- Clearer Communication. The brain does not engage with communications that is not delivered well or in a dictatorial manner. Using storytelling, clear and simple messages, an engaging and authentic style, and widespread participation can help internalise what’s said and spur action.
- Create Innovative Conditions. Most of our brains can innovate, but not by doing rote tasks. Shaking up routines, cross utilising and coming out of the comfort zone sre when best ideas emerge. If some prefer just tasks, they will then be happier not innovating.
- Decision Making. There is now a discipline called ‘decision neuroscience’ which has shown that the brain uses an elegant algorithm to decide using evidence and values, but this can then be derailed by physiological issues, or extreme complexity; the norm for many now.
- Cognitive Diversity. The brain needs the right cognitive challenges for its’ inherent talents and performance. Knowing more about how to identify and utilise team members’ talents will enable each one to benefit from engagement of learning and
Michael Platt is a scientist known for asking some of the most challenging questions in 21st century neuroscience–and conceiving innovative ways to find the answers. He focuses on applying insights and technology from brain science to business, particularly questions in marketing, management, finance, and innovation.
As a Penn Integrates Knowledge (PIK) Professor, he has appointments in the Department of Neuroscience in the Perelman School of Medicine, the Department of Psychology in the School of Arts and Sciences, and the Department of Marketing in the Wharton School.
A revered instructor, Platt won the Master Teacher/Clinician Award from the Duke University School of Medicine and the Teaching Commitment and Curricular Innovation Award from the Wharton School. He is the former Director of the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences and the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at Duke, and the founding Co-Director of the Duke Center for Neuroeconomic Studies. Platt’s work has been featured in the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, The Guardian, and National Geographic, as well as on ABC’s Good Morning America, NPR, CBC, BBC, MTV, and HBO Vice.